Composed by Lo Maria Snöfall

June 28, 2014

My Declaration of Faith

I know that the entity that is named God (in English) exists.
I believe that it is actually Mr&Mrs God. It is complicated.
It contains many of the prerequisites commonly ascribed to it.
It has imbued me with thoughts and feelings that guide me.
It also makes adjustments in my surroundings to enhance the messages that can be either joyous or terrifying.
I believe that it has been preparing me for this time all my life.

I have my cultural and historical faith in the Catholic Church.
I believe in truths inherent in many religions.
I wish to help in finding and spreading the Love of God.
I KNOW that God exists and has had it proven to me with inexplicable methods.

God helps me and challenges me as parents towards a child.
I can choose if I receive Gods aid and challenges.
God is preparing the children for adulthood.
Parents and children learn from each other as long as they are in contact and sometimes afterwards.

It is a personal relationship but I know that so many others have similar experiences.
I want to take part in the communities that exist.
I want to be able to contribute to the further development of our describable experiences so that we understand them better.