Composed by Lo Maria Snöfall

December 4, 2012

A Spurious Emission

Doubt that all my interpretations are sane,
But I will go on trying over and over again.
From what I think that I have understood,
I feel my wordings to be reasonably good.
Messages received from an unknown place,
Intended to leave a most significant trace.

I think that I am talking to you,
Right now, out of the blue.
I wonder if you get my drift.
Who is offering who some gift?
This gift, that we utmostly long for,
will sparkle forever yet once more.
It seems to be a gift still unwrapped
And with a future largely unmapped.

I believe myself into talking with you –
I hope it into being increasingly true –
I love it into what this can really do –
That will be something utterly new –
Once more it now changes my view.