Composed by Lo Maria Snöfall

May 1, 2012

§5  The superior adviser is in the heart.
You must risk positions to even start,
and then lose some reputation
to help much more than a nation.
Please be braver than you think
and change the world in a blink.

§1  Be even cooler!
Let Hillary/Barack be the ruler;
together hand in hand
and lead us to the promised land.
Oops, I forgot about John McCain,
he should join and we will all gain.

§2  Now Obama did win
and wisely let the others in.
Trying to see everyone's view
must be the way to start anew.
This can be the right ground
to reach decisions that are sound.

§3  Gloves and mittens fill the bag
that has an overwhelming tag:
For every cold hand
in every single land

§4  There is a louder ticking of clocks
 and another bag fills with socks.
For those who leave with cold feet,
so all might find the heart to meet.